Energized Again!

Finished up two wonderful days at the NCTIES conference at the beautiful new convention center in Raleigh!  Experienced great sessions and redeemed myself after leaving my Web Wizards partner Danita hanging at the South Carolina conference in November the day we were to present two workshops!!  Darn gall bladder!!

I feel excited about the research and activities I presented Thursday related to Project WISE.  I really feel this is one thing I am doing right in my classroom (and it feels good to have conducted research to prove it)!!  And, hey, no one left the room during the 45 minute session, so I guess I was sharing something of value!  Maybe next year I'll be presenting on the successes of The Stellar Project!

Highlights from the conference:

  1. Participating in the "Talk with Will and Dave".  Great to be in a room of forward thinking educators.

  2. Seeing Vicki Davis in person and hearing her positive keynote address.

  3. Meeting many of Danita's Skype buddies and seeing their joy at finally interacting face to face - like old high school buddies!

  4. Hearing a presentation by two Principals, yes, I said Principals who are instrumental in Mooresville's 1:1 laptop initiative.

  5. Getting through my presentation without passing out!!  Thanks Danita!

Monday, I'm heading to Durham to my Kenan Fellow buddy Matt Sears's wonderful brand new conference on Problem Based Learning.  Can't wait to keep learning!

Photo Credit: Flickr: Escape School Little Children
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