Working Breakout Session
Susan Patrick - CEO, North American Council for Online Learning
- How can we better prepare students for the literacy demands post secondary?
- Not involving our kids in their own education, they are not responsible for their learning.
- Not enough critical thinking, high level problem solving in the K-12 classroom. How do we facilitate that in the classroom?
- Classroom management is an issue.
- Professional Development is a great need. Pre-service training for new teachers needs to improve.
- Relevancy in math and science classes needs to be improved and addressed.
- Allow students to drive more of the content.
- Does the teacher wearing too many hats take away from quality instruction?
- Assessment requirements take away from true learning/quality learning.
- How can we make assessment relevant?
- formative assessments
- e-portfolios
- performance assessments
- Community involvement is important
- Parent empowerment to be a part of the educational process; matching professional development for parents
- Moving from a traditional report card to a standards based report card?
- Place greater funding and emphasis on teacher effectiveness.
- Public doesn't understand the need that exists
- Communication across government, school, and other public stages need to increase
- How do we maintain sustained student interest in learning?
- global communication/collaboration
- empowering them by celebrating their creation of new knowledge
- creating student centered environments
- Concern about losing a large proportion of kids interested in science/math as early as late elementary/MS up through post-secondary. Does the system defeat itself through staunch assessments and a critical value system?
- Expose students to role models and careers; as well as a support system to encourage them to stay in the STEM programs.
- Middle school years are critical as far as career development plans.
- High expectations and encouraging students in their abilities
- What can we do to prevent losing kids from the STEM areas?
- professional development
- stimulating students to become critical thinkers, life long learners, solution finders, risk takers
- content through experience/experimentation
Susan Patrick - CEO, North American Council for Online Learning
- focus on K-12 virtual schools and online learning
- opens access for students and teachers
- more and more jobs these days are focused on online telecommuting and flexible schedules
- Singapore - 100% of their systems have online learning - online is blended with the traditional program
- mentioned the Partnership for 21st Century Skills' 6 key elements of 21st Century Learning (*21st century assessments must match the 21st century skills)
- Sharing Research to Inform Policy
- Online learning expands options
- Online learning is growing rapidly
- Online learning is equal or better in effectiveness
- Online learning improves teaching (although a lot of training is needed)
- Michigan April 2006 first state to require online learning
- the US spends more per pupil on education than any other nation (besides Switzerland), yet we are not seeing results
- "Silent Epidemic" study by the Gates Foundation on high school drop outs
- 88% had passing grades
- 69% were not motivated to work hard
- 66% would've worked harder had they been challenged
- 81% called for more real world opportunities
- Millenials:
- Kids spend more time online than they do watching television
- see information as free
- like to collaborate virtually and face to face
- 96% say doing well in school is important in their lives
- children are much more involved in decision making at home
- Cyberinfrastructure - integrates hardware for computing, data and networks, digitally-enabled sensors, observatories and experimental facilities, and an interoperable suite of software and middleware services and tools.
- simulation-based engineering
- Examples:
- Micro Observatory Online Telescope at Harvard
- iLab Network - pairing kids with scientists using high powered microscopes to learn
- Students use the computer an average of 15 minutes per week at school!
- Need more and continued training for teacher use
- Student and teacher access for technology
- Use of digital content tied to state academic standards
- Need to measure and SHARE with policy makers the successes of our tech programs
- Creativity is highest at 6 (100 questions a day), terminal seriousness at 44 (2 questions a day), bounce at retirement
- Need to take risks, continue to question to move our efforts forward
- Leadership = Trust, Integrity, Passion