Blogging live from the Friday Institute:
Audience is a cross-section of educators (primary-university), government, business.
Brave New Schools, How Computers Can Change Education - written by new director of Friday Inst.
Remarks from Katherine Moore, NC State College of Ed
Remarks from Jim Goodnight, CEO SAS Institute
Keynote Speaker - Alan Kay - Viewpoints Research Institute (non-profit dedicated to children and learning)
Definitely need to spend some time with the above links!
Audience is a cross-section of educators (primary-university), government, business.
Brave New Schools, How Computers Can Change Education - written by new director of Friday Inst.
Remarks from Katherine Moore, NC State College of Ed
- 1:1 pilot project started with 8th graders at Centennial MS
Remarks from Jim Goodnight, CEO SAS Institute
- Spoke of the 21st Century belonging to Asia - US is not feeling the "clear and present danger" it needs to in the innovation/brain "war". We've got to teach to our technologically savvy kids!
Keynote Speaker - Alan Kay - Viewpoints Research Institute (non-profit dedicated to children and learning)
- "It's the fundamental changes that make the big difference."
- "If there was ever an air guitar nation, it's the United States."
- We don't need more scientists and engineers, we need higher quality scientists/engineers.
- "Distracting Ourselves to Death" - whenever you reset what is "normal" it makes it difficult to allow constructive criticism
- "Science is a debugging process for our bad human brains."
- Mentioned Francis Bacon and the beginnings of real science
- No reason to make a distinction between the STEM areas to/for children. They should be interconnected.
- The Internet has killed criticism because there is so much out criticism out on the Internet.
- Believes that more knowledge is gained in Science through reading because you can't experiment with everything in Science.
- $100 laptop includes Etoys (worldwide authoring tool)
- Adults who teach children generally lack sufficient fluency in math thinking.
- Never give simulations that are already written, the child should be the one to create the variables and experiment with them.
- Must use phenomenon that are in the child's world as part of the investigation.
- Lillian McDermott - physicist who studies how people learn science
Definitely need to spend some time with the above links!