Michael Lach, Head of Math and Science, Chicago School District
Sharon Schulze/Colleen Karl - NC Science House
Bette Manchester, Director Maine Learning Technologies Initiative
- 430, 000 students, 27, 000 teachers in Chicago City Schools
- Lot of emphasis on local control; believe in the support of communities
- Ranks 49th among the 50 states in the share of education funding
- Still making good gains in both science and math
- CO's + NSF = Math and Science Initiative
- Tools and support, increased content knowledge, extended learning opportunities all used to enhance the learning of science and math
- Use Math Thematics and Connected Mathematics as the main programs 6-8; Elementary Math Trailblazers and Everyday Mathematics
- Standard Scope and Sequence in Science
- Can correlate test score improvement with those educators who attend professional development on an ongoing basis
- They pay for teachers to take grad classes at several universities to add endorsements to their licensure
- School leadership is KEY!
- What we need more of: formative feedback, leadership, equality in opportunity
- "Computers are not magic, teachers are magic" Craig Barrett, Intel
Sharon Schulze/Colleen Karl - NC Science House
- Science House emphasis on hands-on inquiry, research based programs, teacher training
- 14 full time staff/lots of part-time; 16 years of experience
- Partnerships with many business/industry
- Year round ed programs for students; summer camps
- K-12 Teacher support - manuals, content courses, workshops, extended programs
- Bennett's Millpond Environment Learning Project
- student learning
- teacher involvement
- community engagement
- new partnerships
- environmental citizenship
- experimental design and research
- Junior/Senior year
- Model of Place Based Learning
- increased professional networking
- SCOS connected to outside learning
- teachers/students feel a part of the scientific community
- real life practice collecting and analyzing data
- encourage the kids to design their own equipment
- making kids aware of new career possibilities in the sciences
Bette Manchester, Director Maine Learning Technologies Initiative
- 1:1 initiative began 6 years ago
- promoted by Seymour Papert to Governor Angus King
- time and money spent working with teachers PRIOR to giving the kids the laptops
- program aimed at creating equity of resources for students and staff
- from the beginning it was not about the test scores, it was about learning!
- another goal was to increase collaboration between students and their teachers through the technology
- focus on PBL!
- commitment to change needs to be systemic, there need to be purpose, move to learner centered, PLC's, culture of risk taking
- must build communication networks, virtual networks, training leadership teams, student teams (annual conference with all involved)
- assessment for learning practices - training/resources (templates, etc.) provided to the teachers
- involved teacher leaders (classroom teacher at building level), media specialist are both part of the teacher support component
- Maine Virtual Library
- Math teachers had the hardest time using the laptops - received a grant to help support this need
- NSF grant - Ecoscience (using simulations for math/science); currently in pilot programs across the state
- Creativity/Innovation, Critical Friends Groups, Inquiry based learning
- Project's foundation begins with quality classroom teachers, not technologists.
- Leadership is EVERYTHING!