Blogging Live from MEGA - Laura Fogle's Presentation

"Conversation on Cybersafety in 21st Century Classrooms"

Laura Fogle, Technology Educator/Tech4Teaching

Web 2.0 is here to stay!  Pointed out that John McCain and Barak Obama, both have a MySpace account, and that Dora the Explorer (kids' cartoon) has podcasting/vodcasting on her site!

YouTube bad press and other media "hype" (mentioned Lee County fight club situation) evokes "highly reactive response" from general public.  DOPA, DOPA Jr., State Initiatives, Local Policies all reactions to this response.

"Real Concerns"

Online predators - 71% reported receiving messages online from someone they don't know (  Need to know what real statics and real numbers are!

Proactive Response:  Protection, Responsible Use, Education and Advocacy

Used analogy of giving pointed scissors to kindergartners is not appropriate, but that doesn't mean we should ban all scissors from the school.  We teach them using rounded scissors and allow them to be guided in learning how to use the tools!

Gave out different colored strips with a question as well as several delicious link sites. 

Danita and I have this question:  "What policy changes would you recommend to address Web 2.0 concerns?" (How ironic, as this is the very issue that was heatedly discussed at our ITF meeting earlier today.)

Our Ideas: 

Policy committee for community buy in, parent involvement, student involvement, teacher representation, school board rep; staff development in Web 2.0 tools, gather large amounts of information - what are others doing?  What are the discussions in other areas?

Educating Others about web 2.0:

conversations with parents, show sites at PTO, show them how to set up their own accounts, encourage parents to be involved with their kids' sites, share guidelines.

Can you use Web 2.0 tools in the classroom safely? 

Lab guidelines that need to be read, discussed, and signed by each student who enters the lab.  Students told the history on each computer would be checked, consequences set up.  Teacher must be engaged, actively involved, highly structured assignments/activities.  If you wait until the students are adults, they will never have the experiences they need to grow, put responsibility back on the student with well defined consequences and follow up.

Is student activity on social networks a school issue?

What if students post fictional sites of teachers with negative content?  Mentioned a Leading and Learning Article - Point/Counterpoint.  If the activity a "substantial and material disruption to the learning environment" the school has jurisdiction to intervene in the situation?  Download material and copy for the parents to view?  Check with ISP provider to locate offender.  My Space is working to help out in these situations, ie. taking sites down, as well as any comments they've ever made.  Social networking sites are working to alleviate some of this negativity.

Suggested having a panel discussion with policy makers, social network reps, law enforcement, teachers, parents, etc.  GREAT IDEA!!

Although we could have continued this terrific discussion for hours, the meeting had to close!  To be continued....
1 Response
  1. Great notes! Thanks for being such a good secretary. You even included things I didn't hear and I was sitting right next to you!