Finally, a chance to blog! Ahhh.... Thanks to her great sharing abilities, my friend Danita, shared the fantastic alternative to YouTube for those of us in blocked schools. I immediately put our great 5th grade rappin' math teacher's 6 videos up on TeacherTube! Well that was a week ago, and already the videos have had over 5,000 views! And lots of great comments from other educators! Mrs. Burk, the rappin' math teacher is in the building! Just as cool is that she had me video her kids performing the math raps in class and their video has had over 2,000 views! We even had another educator comment that she was glad to see the raps in action with the kids after watching Mrs. Burk's own videos. Very cool!
Another first for us occurred last week when my son's teacher, Mr. Mize (who is a totally awesome 3rd grade teacher, and also part of my Master's cohort), and I Skyped with our classes. Mine, of course, was Mrs. Lopez's third grade class whom I had stolen (or she had generously shared) so I could teach 10 science/technology integrated lessons (check out their soil wiki here) I had developed for grad class. Both Mr. Mize's class (at the opposite end of the county) and my adopted third graders had been studying soil, and were near the end of the unit. The kids had all written questions for each other and took turns coming up to the microphone. It was amazing! They couldn't wait to explain what they had learned and it was interesting to hear the different activities that went on at both schools. If only I had videotaped it! We were so proud! Can't wait to do it again!!
Photo: Kids At Play
Another first for us occurred last week when my son's teacher, Mr. Mize (who is a totally awesome 3rd grade teacher, and also part of my Master's cohort), and I Skyped with our classes. Mine, of course, was Mrs. Lopez's third grade class whom I had stolen (or she had generously shared) so I could teach 10 science/technology integrated lessons (check out their soil wiki here) I had developed for grad class. Both Mr. Mize's class (at the opposite end of the county) and my adopted third graders had been studying soil, and were near the end of the unit. The kids had all written questions for each other and took turns coming up to the microphone. It was amazing! They couldn't wait to explain what they had learned and it was interesting to hear the different activities that went on at both schools. If only I had videotaped it! We were so proud! Can't wait to do it again!!
Photo: Kids At Play