Tracy Gregory and Joan White - Perquimans County Schools
These teachers have put together (3 years in the making) great resource materials organized by SCOS units. All units have been saved to discs which the teacher can use as she works through the unit. Lessons are built to be kid-friendly including voice over narration to accompany text and emmergent-reader friendly web links. The ones they shared were science related, and included many strategies to help develop literacy skills as well as science content skills. There are activities for the early finishers which are related to the unit, engaging and interactive, as opposed to busy work in the form of another worksheet! Written text throughout the activities includes hyperlinks for vocabulary words so students can view definitions as they go.
They were selling their CD's for $15 (a bargain given the amount of great content and activities on it).
Also cool, Brain Pop now has Brain Pop Jr. which is currently FREE! Did you catch that? FREE!! Can't wait to show my teachers!
On to the next.....
These teachers have put together (3 years in the making) great resource materials organized by SCOS units. All units have been saved to discs which the teacher can use as she works through the unit. Lessons are built to be kid-friendly including voice over narration to accompany text and emmergent-reader friendly web links. The ones they shared were science related, and included many strategies to help develop literacy skills as well as science content skills. There are activities for the early finishers which are related to the unit, engaging and interactive, as opposed to busy work in the form of another worksheet! Written text throughout the activities includes hyperlinks for vocabulary words so students can view definitions as they go.
They were selling their CD's for $15 (a bargain given the amount of great content and activities on it).
Also cool, Brain Pop now has Brain Pop Jr. which is currently FREE! Did you catch that? FREE!! Can't wait to show my teachers!
On to the next.....