Dr. Zeltz University of Northern Iowa
- Taught audience how to backchannel on Twitter #drzcooks
- http://tinyurl.com/getcookin
- Learning is Social!
- Learning is Contextualized
- typewith.me Collaborative word processing documents - Can change the name after the forward slash to what you want instead of the random numbers the site gives your document. My kids LOVE this site!
- http://drzreflects.com - Dr. Z's blog
- Gen Y characteristics: like to learn, work, and play at same time
- Don Tapscott - author of Growing up Digital - check out his YouTube channel - info on working with Millenials
- Skype - Around the World with Skype - dotsub.com
- http://education.skype.com
- http://audioboo.fm - record and upload audio - Use it to give an audio assessment to kids ; add .mp3 to end of address of recording and you can send the kids the file
- Use Google Forms to collect data from kids
- Jing - free download for screencasting - http://www.techsmith.com/jing/
- Jaycut - http://jaycut.com - Online video/audio editor
- Flipping the classroom - creating videos for the kids to watch at home allowing for more time to collaborate in the classroom.