Here is what is being presented to our county's 5th grade teachers.
30 minutes - Guided Reading
30 minutes - Independent Reading Practice
30 minutes - Writing/Grammar
*30 minutes - Spelling/Rosetta Stone
*30 minutes- Novels/Reading Plus/First in Math/Burst/Sight Words/Phonics
60 minutes - Math
40 minutes - Science/Social Studies
30 minutes - PE
30 minutes - Lunch
40 minutes - Specials
*20 minutes - 10 minutes in morning/10 minutes at end of day
*20 minutes - Breaks, Transitions, Changing Classes, Preparing for lunch
* There is flexibility with these items.
Oh my................ I have a headache!
- Common Core assessments all new next year - new End of Grade Test based on CC and Essential Standards for next two years. "Smarter Balance" designed by many states to assess Common Core in the 3rd year.
- Measures of Student Learning - assessments that will be used at all non-EOG or EOC grades/classes. Think they'll have it ready by end of next year.
- This year for 5th grade proposal from DPI to State Board - to be voted upon in March - affects 5th grade on up. EVAAS data will be used to determine whether or not a teacher has met expected growth with students. Look at students scores from 3rd and 4th grade reading and math EOG and the software makes a prediction for what they should do on the 5th grade test. This is the score that will affect the Standard 6 component on the new teacher evaluation. They will be using a 3 year average. Everyone else other than 5th grade teachers will have a school wide score that will come from your school's fifth grade scores for 3 years.
- EVAAS reading and math scores are put together into one score for Standard 6. ??? Not sure if science is included or not.
- Accountability Changes: Have applied for a waiver in NC for NCLB restrictions, haven't heard back yet.
- Shared draft Math pacing guide; want us to talk to our teachers back at school to see if pacing guides seem do-able.
- Here is the Daily Schedule we "are to use":
30 minutes - Guided Reading
30 minutes - Independent Reading Practice
30 minutes - Writing/Grammar
*30 minutes - Spelling/Rosetta Stone
*30 minutes- Novels/Reading Plus/First in Math/Burst/Sight Words/Phonics
60 minutes - Math
40 minutes - Science/Social Studies
30 minutes - PE
30 minutes - Lunch
40 minutes - Specials
*20 minutes - 10 minutes in morning/10 minutes at end of day
*20 minutes - Breaks, Transitions, Changing Classes, Preparing for lunch
* There is flexibility with these items.
- 30% of new reading test is grammar
- Gave a draft pacing guide based on Reading Street basal
- Writing across grade levels: 1st Quarter - Narrative; 2nd Quarter - Expository; 3rd Quarter - Expository Research; 4th Quarter- Opinion
- Plan is to direct teachers to read specific novels at specific times; much less choice for teachers!
- Worked on dividing up Essential Standards in Science by quarter.
- We are being asked to develop lessons and materials to go along with a quarter focus in science and math by mid-March. Each school will be responsible for one part.
Oh my................ I have a headache!
This gave me a headache, and all I did was read it. Seems designed to take all the fun and interest out of learning. I love reading the excitement in your kids' blogs! If anyone can keep their interest alive and well, it's you! Good luck with this!
Thank you for reading the kids' blogs! They amaze me with the things they can do every day! Please feel free to leave comments, they always get so excited when someone besides me comments on their blog posts! Thanks for "feeling my pain"! Gonna be a rough road ahead for public school educators if we continue down this path...
And I too, have a headache from just reading the proposed schedule. I worry about the "teachable moments" that are dwindling.