Baby QR Code Steps Toward Independence

I've decided one way I'd like to start integrating QR codes into my classroom is in my math class.  I have chosen to "flip" my classroom this year so my students will be watching the lesson at home each night.  When they return the next day, one of their math centers will be to practice using their new skills with problems in our math book.  In order to move toward giving them more independence over analyzing their work, I want them to self-correct their problems and comment/question any they miss.  Here's where the QR codes will come in. 

After completing their work they bring it to me to initial and I will give them a sheet with a big QR code.  When they return to their laptop, they will use the fantastic and easy to use online QR code reader at to read the QR code.  This will take them to a Google Doc that contains the PDFs of the answers keys (I've made the Doc private only to those who have the link so I am not breaking copyright concerning our math materials).

To get to this point took a few steps, but once I got going I was able to put together a binder of QR codes for my entire first unit in 20 minutes.  Here's what I did:

  1. Open the Teacher's Edition Math book on the disc that came with our Math series materials (the online version wouldn't allow the print command).

  2. Navigate to the pages the students will be doing, click the Print icon that is part of the disc formatted pages, and choose Adobe PDF instead of the printer.  This converts the pages you want to PDF's, which I saved in a file.

  3. Merge the two PDF documents so they are together (I use Gios PDF Splitter and Merger). Save to the file.

  4. Upload the new merged PDF to Google Docs.

  5. In the SHARE settings of Google Docs, click the Private only to those who have the link.

  6. Copy and Paste link of the new doc into which will create the QR code.

  7. Copy and Paste the QR code onto a Word Document with the heading of the Lesson, Print several copies, and put in my notebook, ready to give to the kids!

Went smoothly once I got it going!  Can't wait to see how it works with the kids soon!  I know there's probably an easier way, but this works for now!

2 Responses
  1. Cathy Beach Says:

    I Love this post! The idea is great - both for the kids and the teachers, but I really love the way you've provided detailed information on how I could develop something like it for my own purposes. I wish ALL teachers were so willing and able to share so well. Thank you for every part of that! I'll look forward to hearing of future ideas, and hope I'll be able to share some someday too!

  2. kcollazo Says:

    Thanks Cathy! I'm glad you found it helpful. I am excited to see how it works with the kids. I'll blog about the next step soon!