Union County Public Schools
Edmodo Code for the session - me9oez - Session info is there.
Symbaloo the presenters created from the sessions they attended at NCTIES2011 - http://edu.symbaloo.com/mix/ncties2011sym?searched=true
Don't have to be logged in to use already made symbaloos.
Set up a symbaloo to introduce a topic, include videos, sites, etc.
Create a symbaloo of the kids' digital products.
Keep a symbaloo of kids' products for the artifacts needed for new evaluation tool.
Use search to find lots of great pre-made symbaloos.
Can import bookmarks from Delicious into a symbaloo quickly and easily.
Can embed Slideshare, Animoto, and many other things on Symbaloo.
Need to click the Update webmix whenever you make any changes to a webmix so that others using it will have the updates.
Can embed Google Docs (import your Word docs into Google)
Use Google Form to have kids submit the URL's of their finished work. Much easier to add it into your webmix of products.
Edmodo Code for the session - me9oez - Session info is there.
Symbaloo the presenters created from the sessions they attended at NCTIES2011 - http://edu.symbaloo.com/mix/ncties2011sym?searched=true
Don't have to be logged in to use already made symbaloos.
Set up a symbaloo to introduce a topic, include videos, sites, etc.
Create a symbaloo of the kids' digital products.
Keep a symbaloo of kids' products for the artifacts needed for new evaluation tool.
Use search to find lots of great pre-made symbaloos.
Can import bookmarks from Delicious into a symbaloo quickly and easily.
Can embed Slideshare, Animoto, and many other things on Symbaloo.
Need to click the Update webmix whenever you make any changes to a webmix so that others using it will have the updates.
Can embed Google Docs (import your Word docs into Google)
Use Google Form to have kids submit the URL's of their finished work. Much easier to add it into your webmix of products.