YouTube for Schools: Join the Global Classroom Today! - YouTube
YouTube for schools, no comments, no related videos, just learning: http://t.co/ns6nEtYB
RT @BlondeTC: See how TN educators use iPads in the K-12 Classroom. iPad Mania - K-12 Integration - http://t.co/VN9NJEpJ #iTunes #TETC11
From flipped classroom to flipped curriculum | mssphillips
New blog post: "Flipped classroom to flipped curriculum" http://t.co/VFb2SXKX #mathchat
tags: mathchat
Hmm. I may modify this a bit for next week-->
Hmm. I may modify this a bit for next week--> NEA - Holiday Writing Activity http://t.co/PrmYm5Eq
Have you read w/ us & @WeGiveBooks yet? Read a book, and one book will be donated! http://t.co/OBnSGzgF
100 iPad Apps Perfect For Middle School | Edudemic
100 iPad Apps Perfect For Middle School. http://t.co/Kpg42lj6 -- Reposted!
Teacher Experience Exchange - VIDEO: Creative drawing projects
Web 2.0 site to inspire creativity. Check out this Klowdz video. http://t.co/wLvFPrdy #edtech #edchat
Incompatible Browser | Facebook
Who else loves to use Mad Libs in class? I always felt like they were fun and educational. These would be great... http://t.co/DkGcK9MY
Themeefy - Create, Curate, Publish
I just started using @Themeefy, a cool new tool to curate knowledge & publish personalized magazines on the Web. (http://t.co/dO4o91Pc)
Students wrote about their favorites and what they're thankful for. http://t.co/bqo2xubD They'd love your #comments4kids! TY
tags: comments4kids
Teacher Experience Exchange - 9 web 2.0 sites to publish student work
Share student successes with these 9 web 2.0 sites. Try these with your students. http://t.co/itM1roTV #edtech #teachers
How and Why to Pray Radio Show « BLASTcast
Our 6th grade Sunday School class made a 3 minute radio show this morning http://t.co/LhGlIypH using @cinchcast #fb
tags: fb
Classroom Freebies: Math Fact Foldable or Flipbook
Here is an idea for a math facts foldable book! http://t.co/jVDspx7g
The Best Sites For Grammar Practice | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
Updates to "The Best Sites For Grammar Practice" http://t.co/Nld3DyyH
Streamlined pathway to address NCSCOS
Built around the 5E's model!
PD - Related to the needs and tools in your county
Silver Springs, MD - Discovery World Headquarters for training
Once a month streamed PD and Newsletter
When you login to Techbook through your Discovery Streaming account (new tab at top (Science Techbook)
Each lesson includes objectives, key questions, and list of vocabulary
5 E's - each section includes live links to the resources you need so you don't have to search.
Includes a 5 minute "teacher prep" video to give teacher information they may need to help teach the unit.
Quick links with each lesson - concept review, hands-on activities, student assignments, materials list
Science notebooks - right side = teacher input; left side = student output
Provides reading passages - ie. "Getting to know" documents (on grade level)
Provides more authentic article-type passages at 3 levels (above, at and below)
Provides e-books that have the read aloud function
Interactive Glossary - tabs for visual animation with text, written definition, video, and image
Virtual Labs that they can compare with the Hands On lab
Content is also in Spanish with translation tools to help with vocabulary
Student Center gives kids access 24/7
Virtual assessments that are graded for you for each topic. Assessments tied to concepts or standards, you can also add your own. Teacher gets students' scores in chart. Can look at each individual student's assessment broken down by concept. Those concepts the student didn't do well on, it gives you a list of resources for reteaching. Gives the teacher proficiency graphs for topics so you can easily pre and post test.
Under Builder Tools - Assessment Manager
Teacher Center - Process Skills Library (contains all virtual labs, hands-on labs, hands on activities, science sleuths, and mythbusters. Contains "student peer review sheet" Kids complete it as they watch the video to evaluate the scientific process Adam and Jamie used to conduct the experiment.
North America (to follow Life and Earth) coming in Spring 2012.
Full replacement for the textbook adoption. Can be purchased with textbook funds. Elementary for 6 years - $38/student (for all 6 years) Middle School - $40/student. One time purchase gets all updates put out over the 6 years. Training is included with the 6 year purchase. School or district purchase.
Mark Case, Southern Guilford High
Gets kids interested with technology they are already using.
Worldwide game of hide and seek! http://www.geocaching.com/
What do students learn?
1. navigation
2. elevation
3. how soil affects what grows; drainage
4. how to understand legends and scale
5. environmental stewardship: cache in - trash out
6. high level thinking: research, reading, and understanding
7. provides physical activity (brain-smart!)
Idea: Put 6 clipboards around campus with questions and place for kids to sign their names (no credit if they don't sign). Each clipboard has the coordinates to the next clipboard.
1. Traditional cache -log sheet and treasure hidden (log sheet, container with small items, etc.)
2. Multi-cache - involves two or more locations to record the cache
3. Mystery/Puzzle cache - requires solving a problem to get credit for the find.
4. Letterbox - use GPS coordinates to get to the starting point and use clues to solve the puzzle. http://www.letterboxing.org/
5. Event cache - a gathering of people involved in geocaching (ie. geocachers' flashmob)
6. CITO - Cache in Trash Out - events when geocachers clean out caches
7. Earth Cache - an earth science based cache
8. take something, leave something
9. leave the location better than you found it
GPS devices (Magellan, iPod touch, smart phones, anything that has a GPS chip in it) **Geomate Junior - http://www.mygeomate.com/
IDEA - Give kids list of coordinates and clue (ie. inside stump)
Questions for the kids:
How does the terrain affect your route to the location?
What happens to the elevation as you move around the school grounds?
Where is the highest elevation?
Where is the lowest elevation on campus?
What was the farthest point west/north?
What relationship did the elevation on the GPS have with the lines on the topographic map?
IDEA: Allows his students to sign a contract and sign out a GPS device. They have to fulfill a list of geocaching activities and he replaces their lowest test grade with a 100.
Waymarking - http://www.waymarking.com/
Werigo - Games, stories, challenging next step to geocaching - http://www.wherigo.com/ GPS adventures in the real world!
Kleinspiration: 45 apps in 45 minutes by iPadSammy
45 apps in 45 minutes by iPadSammy http://t.co/femdXh0n
RT : Do you have your students
RT @KathyPerret: Do you have your students blog? Please add their blog URL here http://t.co/Y2OpAPyg to be sha… (cont) http://t.co/nWoI4IgP
50 Ways to Integrate Technology - Ways to Anchor Technology in Your Classroom Tomorrow
50 Ways to Integrate Technology http://t.co/7zMralI6
Top 10+ Educational Podcasts | Getting Smart
Top 10+ Educational Podcasts http://t.co/MZvzfzTT
Flipped Classroom - digitalsandbox
Great resources for - #Flipped Classroom - digitalsandbox: http://t.co/gahVRFOh #edchat #edtech #flip
The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture « User Generated Education
The Flipped Classroom Model: A Full Picture - http://t.co/xY2g11iU
A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet: 39 Sites For Using iPads in the Classroom
RT @nharm: 39 Sites For Using iPads in the Classroom http://t.co/c8w8FuGt
One of the problems we've been having is saving documents, pictures, and other important things we are working on. We try to be as paperless as possible, and to upload documents and other creations to many of the Web 2.0 sites that are the backbone of our program, involves having to save them first!
The second problem is that our system blocks Google Docs for the kids. Not exactly sure why, but that is our reality at this time. So, that wonderful alternative for moving all our document creation to the cloud is out.
The good news is we have found a GREAT solution! This past week I had all my kids create a ZohoWriter account. ZohoWriter allows them to create, share, and collaborate on all kinds of documents and other projects. Its format is familiar looking for them, and very user-friendly. They have been raving about it ever since, and have asked to do many of their written assignments there even though our Saving issues (to the school server) are slowly being resolved.
This is great news for me as a teacher because it allows my kids to become much more independent and gets them used to the cloud computing that is inevitable in their future. We are no longer strapped by what the IT gods have fixed or not fixed. It is wonderful to see the kids take on the responsibility for their learning tools!
Stay tuned, I'll continue to share more about our journey to the clouds!
Free Technology for Teachers: Aww App - A Collaborative Whiteboard that You Can Add to Your Site
New post: Aww App - A Collaborative Whiteboard that You Can Add to Your Site http://t.co/O9T7lUUS
How To: Easily Create Your Own Chrome Web App! | Tech18
How To: Easily Create Your Own Chrome Web App! http://t.co/QMru244W by @gupshupblog
KB...Konnected - Get in the Fold!
Get in the Fold! - An awesome blog totally devoted to foldables and terrific ways of using them in the... http://t.co/boYHJf5x
So during the video, the kids were asked to write down at least 8 interesting things they thought the video shared in their science notebooks. They were then asked to go to Vocaroo and record their 8 items orally. For those of you who have never used Vocaroo, it is the most user-friendly, awesome, online recording tool out there! No login is required, and you receive an embed code of your recording for wonderful sharing opportunities. We are also in the lucky position of being a 1:1 netbook classroom, where all of my students also have a headset with a microphone (although it works just as well with our netbooks' built in microphones!).
So after recording their audio weathering and erosion information, some sitting outside on the benches for less background noise, they learned quickly how to upload their recordings onto their Kidblogs! And as if that wasn't magical enough, the real magic is happening tonight! My computer email is dinging off the hook as the kids (and parents) go in and listen to each other's recordings! They are leaving the sweetest comments for each other! What a great way to reinforce the curriculum. Not only will they probably remember the facts THEY recorded about weathering and erosion, they are listening to each other and picking up some things they may not have caught while watching the movie!
I'm so proud and psyched! Please check them out and leave some comments, they'd be thrilled.
The University of Mississippi - Math Contest
Difficult brainteaser math problems for all levels: http://t.co/XsuW7bvx #edchat #mathchat #elemchat
Professional blog | 21st Century Educator
Looking for an alternative to traditional homework? Here are 15: http://t.co/nAmDwFt #edchat
tags: edchat
@lookforsun My Keyboarding page has great typing games: http://t.co/fIs1S2n #edchat
tags: edchat
We began blogging early! For one thing it allows my most introverted student to express him/herself and, I have found, it allows me to get to know my students in a way nothing else can! Plus, they LOVE it! They love writing new blog posts AND they love commenting on each other's. I recently received the following email from one of my student's mothers and she gave me permission to share it here. It gave me goosebumps and made my day. If your students are not blogging yet, don't wait another day to get them started! Please feel free to visit and leave comments on ours HERE!
"I wanted to share with you a cool experience I just had with James.
The boys and I went to the public library to return and check out new books. James picked out a Hardy Boy title he said this boy had recommended. Turns out the boy is a child who commented on a Hardy Boy post James made on KidBlog. He said he wanted to read this book so they could "talk" about it.
Thanks for all you do,
Remembering 9/11 - National Geographic
Remembering 9/11 from National Geographic http://ow.ly/6lUHR
dTeacher Duck 17 » Blog Archive 7a » Eleven Resources to Explore for Teaching About September 11
Just posted "Eleven Things to Explore for Teaching About September 11" http://t.co/n7AfvVl
I just signed up for DoJo - a classroom behavior management site. Check it out http://t.co/354Pgbc #elemchat #4thchat #ntchat
Simple html countdown timer. Drag to the time you
http://j.mp/MAGlC Simple html countdown timer. Drag to the time you want. Great for tests. http://j.mp/r8n0Sd #edtech
tags: edtech
- I asked permission from the creators of LiveBinders AND got written permission from parents for my students, who are 5th graders, to create their own accounts. After registering on the site, they have each created a private binder that will be used as their Digital Portfolio this year. They all set the same "Access Word" to keep the binders private, but this allows me to access them as well as parents. They each sent me the link to their Digital Portfolio Binder today through Edmodo. Nice!
- I have decided to create several independent exploration activities each week for whatever Science Unit we are studying at the time. These activities will be due by the end of the week, and accompany many hands-on inquiry labs we'll be doing. Since my kids are in a true 1:1 program, they can work on many of these activities in the evenings if they'd like. The LiveBinder format is perfect for organizing the sites, games, and activities into week-long chunks of cool and interactive learning! You can view this week"s Becoming Scientists Binder HERE.
- My favorite of all, are our Independent Reading Binders. My language arts program incorporates Reader's Workshop. One of the requirements for each independent book my kids read is to create or add to a LiveBinder that expands the joy of reading the book. I created a class account (all the kids know our class username and password) where the kids create the Binders for their books. When we found out last week that we could all (29 of us) be in there at once creating a unique Binder, I literally jumped up and down clapping! The kids thought I was crazy, but I know you 1:1 teachers out there understand the joy that comes with that! The kids learned how to search for kid-friendly websites that others might like to visit related to their book/topic of their book. They learned how to create a new tab for each fun activity they found to expand the book. Today they worked on getting a picture of the book cover on the front of the Binder, as well as add an introductory tab which will include their name and which tabs they are responsible for adding to the Binder. This will allow me to see who is adding tabs to the Binders so they can receive credit for their work. Now the best part! The kids will now be creating QR codes that will link back to the book's binder, They will print out and tape the QR codes into the backs of the books for other kids to find and explore! They are so excited and I'm speechless about how well this is going!! I've embedded our class shelf on our website, so you can check them out HERE without the QR codes! Enjoy! And remember, they are a work in progress, and may change often!!
RT @internet4classr: RT @kylepace: Teaching with Evernote: A 6th and 8th Grade Science Teacher Shares His Top Tips. http://t.co/h0bOdCt
Google Apps for ePortfolios http://t.co/J3EBn5m #elemchat
tags: elemchat
My former student Bianca (grade 3) has written a very sweet post about etiquette http://t.co/hTHeB6g #comments4kids
tags: comments4kids
Hannah's Hacienda: Universal Studios
9 yr old Hannah writes about her trip to Universal Studios! She'd love some feedback! #comments4kids #elemchat http://t.co/WT2DIWB
tags: comments4kids elemchat
Promoting Creativity and Collaboration in Your Classroom with Googl...
Promoting Creativity And Collaboration In The Classroom With Google Docs: http://t.co/gCoAOdz
Kate's Book Blog - Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs (for free!)
RT @andreablanco: Authors Who Skype with Classes & Book Clubs (for free!) http://t.co/k6JSOeQ
Flip Your Classroom with Online Discussions
Thrilled my explanation on the flipped classroom was clear & easy to understand! My pres: http://t.co/3GJij67 RT @classroomtools:
40 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the Classroom
40 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the #Classroom http://ow.ly/68IHc
tags: Classroom
RT : GREAT Google Doc filled with Math & Science A
RT @shannonmmiller: GREAT Google Doc filled with Math & Science Apps http://ow.ly/68HM5 (not clear if some are iPad-specific etc.)
FileStork Lets Your Friends Share Files Directly to Your Dropbox
Have Folks Send Files Right To Your Dropbox With Ease: http://t.co/rmxUQCC
Podcasts in Education Made Simple
Podcasting Made Simple: http://t.co/9hqXQeh
The Birth of the Tubric - YouTube
http://t.co/Jpmyctc Project based learning...create a tubric. Too cool!
We started off the day by creating various items to place in our Time Capsule. These items included a paragraph about their summer in their best handwriting (they're always amazed at how much their handwriting changes in a year), a tracing of their hand, a colored self portrait, and a questionnaire about their "favorites". We sealed them up in plastic bags, packed them in a box, and I "buried" it in the back of a large cabinet in our room.
We then took a tour of our class website, which is the guiding hub of our classroom. Linked on the site, I opened a Powerpoint which led us on a tour of the classroom and various procedures. Then it was on to the "Serious 17"! Ron Clark would be proud. After reading his new book this summer, The End of Molasses Classes, and re-reading, The Essential 55, I decided to choose 17 non-negotiable behaviors that would be required for success in our room. After a lively class discussion about them (they are all posted above our front board), the kids finally got their laptops. We are a 1:1 county, and this group of kids first got their individual netbooks in the spring of last year. I was anxious to see how tech savvy they were.
To assimilate the rules into their thinking, they were asked to create a PowerPoint with 3 slides. Each slide was to contain one of the 17 rules they thought was most important, a reason why it was most important, and a clip art picture that would demonstrate the rule. I know creating a PowerPoint is not a great measure of "tech-savvy-ness", but these kids have not had much experience with the online tools my previous class used daily, so it was a good starting point. They LOVED it, as supported by the comments on their first blog posts.
To end the day (which went extremely quickly) I introduced them to Kidblog which we will use often throughout our year together. They were very excited to create their first blog post! We found out that evening however, that Internet Explorer (which had been this group's browser of choice) does NOT play nicely with the new Windows 7 that was included on the new image installed over the summer. Oh well, they were great sports, and re-blogged the following day. You can read their first posts HERE (they'd love comments if you have an extra minute!)
What a GREAT first day!
Writing Like a Scientist:Launching a Scientists Notebook
Advice for launching a scientist's notebook with students at the start of the year: http://t.co/lYXkm8r (via @ChoiceLiteracy )
Great site to teach kids about maps and globes
tags: socialstudies geography
Great site full of science lab ideas and lesson plans.
tags: science scienceinquiry sciencelab
The Nerdy Teacher: Doxie - The Scanner for Teachers and Students
Have you checked out the @Doxie portable scanner? I love it. @evernote integration is perfect! http://t.co/1aWoIq7
math 5th grade http://t.co/qdX7k5n http://ht.ly/62OYx
Socrative | Student response system | Engage audiences
RT @bhsprincipal: RT @kylepace: Checking out @socrative http://t.co/8OYP7YC - student response system for mobile learning devices
Water Wiz -- National Geographic Kids
Have your science students take the "Water Wiz" Quiz at http://t.co/WT8ymYU
Creating Narrated Google Earth Tours: http://t.co/kkZlJn8
Another way to game-ify your classroom with Glogster EDU - love it! Cluster 1 Map: http://ow.ly/5Zz5b #esl #efl #edchat #edgames
Icebreakers, Warmups, Energerizers, & Deinhibitizers: Activities for getting groups going
Icebreakers, Warmups, Energizers, & Deinhibitizers: http://t.co/RdozUUi #edchat #midleved #elemchat
tags: edchat midleved elemchat
Starting the School Year - Community Building | Edutopia
Starting the School Year - Community Building http://t.co/FtP6HO7
The Classroom A Caring Community - UEN
Good ideas! The Classroom - A Caring Community http://bit.ly/pPLbxa #edchat #elemchat
Easy Ed Tech: Reader's Workshop
Easy Ed Tech: Reader's Workshop http://t.co/fIsCgyf
Education Technology - theory and practice: TweetDeck & 100s of Twitter tools for Teachers
Very useful!! - RT @ShellTerrell: TweetDeck & 100s of Twitter tools for Teachers http://bit.ly/qwAg8r by @Ilotimo #edtech
tags: edtech
Calendar filled with writing prompts
tags: writingprompts writing
Effective Teaching Articles: Reading Workshop Linky Party
tags: readingworkshop
21 Excellent Google Chrome Applications Worth Checking Out http://j.mp/qmA2mc
After completing their work they bring it to me to initial and I will give them a sheet with a big QR code. When they return to their laptop, they will use the fantastic and easy to use online QR code reader at http://miniqr.com/reader to read the QR code. This will take them to a Google Doc that contains the PDFs of the answers keys (I've made the Doc private only to those who have the link so I am not breaking copyright concerning our math materials).
To get to this point took a few steps, but once I got going I was able to put together a binder of QR codes for my entire first unit in 20 minutes. Here's what I did:
- Open the Teacher's Edition Math book on the disc that came with our Math series materials (the online version wouldn't allow the print command).
- Navigate to the pages the students will be doing, click the Print icon that is part of the disc formatted pages, and choose Adobe PDF instead of the printer. This converts the pages you want to PDF's, which I saved in a file.
- Merge the two PDF documents so they are together (I use Gios PDF Splitter and Merger). Save to the file.
- Upload the new merged PDF to Google Docs.
- In the SHARE settings of Google Docs, click the Private only to those who have the link.
- Copy and Paste link of the new doc into http://qrcode.kaywa.com which will create the QR code.
- Copy and Paste the QR code onto a Word Document with the heading of the Lesson, Print several copies, and put in my notebook, ready to give to the kids!
Went smoothly once I got it going! Can't wait to see how it works with the kids soon! I know there's probably an easier way, but this works for now!
Great classroom strategies
tags: strategies teaching
Online boardgame to help kids work with decimals.
100+ Google Tricks for Teachers | TeachHUB
Disney's Internet Safety Site. Kids work through Internet safety adventures and earn a certificate at the end.
tags: internetsafety
Meacham Writer's Workshop Mini Lessons
Meacham Writer's Workshop Mini Lessons - http://goo.gl/UkxZW
Create Lessons from home for FREE using SMART Not
Create #SMART Lessons from home for FREE using SMART Notebook Express http://t.co/8YrWNGY #edtech #IWB #SMARTBoard #assistivetech
tags: SMART edtech IWB SMARTBoard assistivetech
Writer's Workshop Resources and Ideas
Writer's Workshop Resources and Ideas - http://goo.gl/UfHuY
Infographics for Librarians, Educators, and Other Cool Geeks
Just released new LiveBinder Infographics for Librarians, Educators, & Other Cool Geeks http://t.co/1DgRmts #tlchat #sigms #aslachat #edtech
tags: tlchat sigms aslachat edtech
Infographics/Infotunes for kids
tags: infographics
Create your own avatar for a project. The site emails the avatar to you.
tags: avatarcreator readersworkshop
A simulation game similar to Life where kids live jobs of the future and learn to manage money/life skills/challenges.
tags: lifeskills simulations games
Large collection of copyright free images to use
Great list of pdf organizers for various tasks
tags: graphicorganizers
Creating open-ended questions in math: http://t.co/gaV4oeZ #edchat #mathchat #midleved #ntchat via @mrsebiology
View and create infographics.
32 Free tools to create different diagrams
tags: graphicorganizers mindmapping
Activities for each area of the scos.
Great hands on games/activities and blackline masters for game cards.
tags: mathcenters math
Cool Cat Teacher Blog: A Beginner's Guide to Tumblr
Here is my beginners guide to Tumblr. Lots of people have been askin me about it lately. I have been using these... http://bit.ly/qwg1uA
Just added a few more resources to my website! Be sure to check Favorite Things, Parents, & Reader's Workshop! http://t.co/dOdjCUH
See Teresa @tdallen5's side shelf of resources on her blog site. She is a technology teacher and coordinator for... http://fb.me/15Co1e1Gi
New Release: Student Profiles, Badges and Assignment Filtering
Just a little bit excited about this!! ----> @edmodo New Release: Student Profiles, Badges and Assignment Filtering http://bit.ly/o7ba4f
RT @susanrileyphoto: Watch videos on Common Core, the Arts, Assessment and lesson plans right here: http://bit.ly/qdCh87
The End of Molasses Classes just hit #4 on BN.com! It's on sale for $11.50 'til midnight! Buy today to support RCA! http://t.co/WcmcLYc
Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" | Video on TED.com
Amazing!RT @grahamwhisen: This is a TED talk about;The Filter Bubble that @willrich45 mentioned at #otf21c (http://bit.ly/dFAowv)
tags: otf21c
Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog: Langwitches' Video of the Mystery Skype Call
Here is a video of our Mystery Skype call created by @langwitches! :-) http://t.co/KLCP5ck #edchat #elemchat #edtech
Making electrical circuits with Play-Doh!
tags: science electricity
tags: museums
Handy - Wikispaces now allows customised permissions for individual pages (RT @russeltarr)
Handy - Wikispaces now allows customised permissions for individual pages: http://tinyurl.com/3rxlm4c
RT @aaallain: @spellingcity to launch science vocabulary! http://bit.ly/obl0UD #edchat #4thchat #elemchat
The Nerdy Teacher: @LivescribeK12 Echo Smartpen is awesome
.@LivescribeK12 Echo Smartpen is awesome http://bit.ly/pmEt0T #edchat - A new post on a great tool for your classroom.
tags: edchat
Great collection of resources to use with Readers' Workshop
Great collection of mini lessons with the picture book suggestions to go along with them.
Mrs. Cervone's Reading Workshop Units
Great units for reading workshop mini lessons!
Great collection of Skype contacts and tips
tags: skype
Cool site with mind mapping, comic creator, movie editor, and audio editor tools.
tags: mindmapping comics
Huge collection of copyright free photos to use.
tags: photos
Upload and edit photos in tons of ways! Save to collections and share.
tags: photos
Beautiful time-line creator. Can include photos, video, and audio. Would be a great way for the kids to reflect each day.
tags: timelinetool dailyreflection
Great tool for kids to create fake Facebook pages for literary characters, scientists you're studying, historical figures, etc. Easy to use!!
tags: facebooklike readingworkshop
Great screencasting tool that does not require a download!
tags: screencasts
Tabula Digita's gaming site
tags: gaming
Blog Post of Online Publishing sites
Collection of sites that allow you to turn pdf's into online books.
tags: bookcreators pdfbooks
Searching with Google Workbook
Great Google tip and links
tags: google googletools
tags: mathcenters
tags: mathcenters
QR Codes Are So 2011…Or Are They? | Upside Down Education
Great blog post from @amandacdykes - QR Codes Are so 2011..Or Are They? - http://bit.ly/qv06H4
Fantastical Enlightenment for Elementary Students | Edutopia
Fantastical Enlightenment for Elementary Students http://bit.ly/olPOM7 #k12 #education
Standards and Assessment: The Core of Quality Instruction | The Leadership and Learning Center
Still haven't read "Standards and Assessment: The Core of Quality Instruction"? Discover CCSS-ready strategies today! http://bit.ly/fmvDwi
Creative Ways to Use Podcasts in the Classroom | Suite101.com
RT @nmhs_principal & @drwetzel: Creative Ways to Use Podcasts in the Classroom http://t.co/xu9AnbS #edtech
tags: edtech
Ideas to Inspire - Interesting Ways to use Voicethread in the classroom
25 Interesting Ways to use Voicethread in the Classroom: http://bit.ly/bIf2Pk #edchat #edtech #midleved #elemchat
KB...Konnected - 26 Interesting Ways to Get to Know your Class
26 Interesting Ways to Get to Know your Class - Back to School Activities via Shepherd’s Shining Stars... http://tumblr.com/xtl3ju8dzq
Teacher Experience Exchange - VIDEO: Easy to use chart creator - Chartle
Use Chartle to easily make interactive charts...no accounts required. http://t.co/egGGzxK #edtech #edchat
Create a QR Code with just one click! (RT @russeltarr)
Create a QR Code with just one click!: http://tinyurl.com/3h7yzfc
Add Any Video On Your YouTube Channel | Show Videos Of Other Users On Your YouTube Channel
Add Any Video On Your YouTube Channel | Show Videos Of Other Users On Your YouTube Channel http://j.mp/qQ3f5A
2010 AEA Exhibition Google Mind Maps Lesson.AVI - YouTube
5th grade teachers uses Google Docs for his students to create collaborative mindmaps http://youtu.be/caD7jxtRv2c
Photo: Acapela.tv Create talking mini-vids that you can send to friends or view via link. #elemchat... http://tumblr.com/xtl3jfoefz
tags: elemchat
Students Grading Themselves? Rubrics Can Change Everything
RT @mrsebiology: Students Grading Themselves with Rubrics: http://bit.ly/qnz4b3 #edchat #assessment #midleved #elemchat
tags: edchat assessment midleved elemchat
Under Ten Minutes | How to use Education Technology quickly.
RT @EdTechSandyK: RT @TCEA: Fantastic tutorial videos on tech topics at Under 10 Minutes: http://t.co/AuLCmzZ - #Pleasantunion
tags: Pleasantunion
QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator (RT @russeltarr)
QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator: http://tinyurl.com/66bu4gw
Great collection of short videos on using various web 2.0 sites.
Great educational technology blog to follow.
tags: blog
A site that allows to create simple web booklets.
tags: bookmarking readersworkshop
Slideshare on how to use Scoop.it
tags: bookmarking
Symbaloo for Literacy Stations
A Symbaloo set up with Literacy links (elem)
A Symbaloo set up for K-5 Math links.
tags: bookmarking Math
Visually bookmark multiple URL's.
tags: bookmarking
Jump into your favorite websites
tags: bookmarking
Diigo's page for using it in education.
tags: bookmarking
Organize favorite websites
tags: bookmarking
Create topic-centric media.
tags: bookmarking
Learn US History through Missions
Site where students go on missions while they learn US History
tags: socialstudies ushistory
Using SMART Response with a paper test
This is a video which shows you how to create a blank Response test so kids can use SMART Response to take a paper test so it will grade for you!
tags: smartresponse
The Best Online Learning Games Of 2011 — So Far | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
"The Best Online Learning Games Of 2011 — So Far" http://bit.ly/qsakTa
Teacher Experience Exchange - Assessing Technology Enhanced Projects
Helpful post - Assessing technology enhanced projects. http://t.co/ehLFuN7 #edtech #edchat
Transparent Learning: QR Code Scavenger Hunt
Post on our QR Code Scavenger Hunt for New Student Orientation! http://bit.ly/ocDS2X
TeachPaperless: 10 Ways to Help Students Ask Better Questions
10 Ways to Help Students Ask Better Questions: http://bit.ly/naJHpA
Simply 2nd Resources: Project of the Day (inspired by Pinterest)
If you haven't seen this - TAKE A LOOK! What a COOL idea!!! http://fb.me/RKRKxRW6
Interesting Ways to get to know your New Class | edte.ch
RT @rmbyrne Interesting Ways to Get to Know Your New Class - http://goo.gl/i2LwW . Fun ice breakers for staff development, too!
At-Bristol | Optical illusions | Diigo
At-Bristol...Optical illusions to stretch your brain with http://ow.ly/5CUEu
slidestaxx - create amazing social media slideshows | Diigo
SlideStaxx....create amazing social media slideshows http://ow.ly/5CUGz
Great game for kids to practice their geography skills!
tags: geography maps socialstudies
Hundreds of Flash Games for Primary students, organised by subject (RT @russeltarr)
Hundreds of Flash Games for Primary students, organised by subject: http://tinyurl.com/4mt8afo
Great idea for using QR codes with library books!
tags: QRcodes readingworkshop
Elementary teacher pilot - Networks 604 & 609 Cluster 6
NYC DOE blog about free IWB elementary teacher pilot. http://t.co/B2Pgrnv #edchat #smartboard #education #classroom
tags: edchat smartboard education classroom
Neat site where kids can create their own graphic story.
Large collection of free clipart for students to use.
tags: clipart
Great collection of RAFT ideas and lessons.
tags: readersworkshop reading raft
Techno Fusion: Kickin' it QR Style with your Document Camera
Want 2 use UR #DocumentCamera 2 scan #QRcodes - here's a quick & easy program 2 use - http://j.mp/qho7EP - if U know more share in comments
tags: DocumentCamera QRcodes
I’ve just created a game/applet where you can... - Maths and Science blog- matthen
This is fun to explore => I’ve just created a game/applet where you can create your... http://t.co/lB7R8bY #edchat #mathchat
Ideas for Using Edmodo: Add yours!
Ideas for Using @Edmodo.....Add yours to this global Google Document! http://ow.ly/5zjWI #vanmeter #iowatl #tlchat
Tools for Digital Storytelling
Great list of 10 tools for digital storytelling.
tags: reading Digital Storytelling
Apps in Education: Quizlet - Revision and Study through Games
Quizlet - Revision and Study through Games #edtech #edchat http://t.co/ih23B0v
Great video tutorial for using Nota.
tags: nota WEB2.0 presentations
BrainNook is a new online game that helps kids develop Math and English skills while playing safely with their friends. http://t.co/2aW0iR6
http://ow.ly/5w9DH How about a sentence of the day daily class practice?
MathMol Hypermedia Textbook for Elementary School-Grade 4
MathMol Hypermedia Textbook for Elementary School-Grade 4 http://icio.us/Nkrpr4
The Water Cycle ..................................
The Water Cycle .................................. http://icio.us/bSgIsa
Earth's Crust http://icio.us/tt0kjY
EARTH SCIENCE UNITS http://icio.us/3sN3jc
Excellent Rock Cycle Interative Website for Grade
Excellent Rock Cycle Interative Website for Grade 5! http://icio.us/53kiuq
Rocky Mountain National Park - Weathering and Erosion
Rocky Mountain National Park - Weathering and Erosion http://icio.us/a5Q0fi
MSA's Rock'n Internet Site--The ROCK CYCLE!
MSA's Rock'n Internet Site--The ROCK CYCLE! http://icio.us/UyWvQd
Turn Paper Based Book Interactive with QR Codes
Great tutorial on how to incorporate QR codes into a picture book to allow readers to delve more deeply into its content!
Teachers! Parents! Relaxation Music for Kids!
Teachers! Parents! Relaxation Music for Kids! http://bit.ly/avy6Qv
PLANETPALS Earth Science of Food chain Animals Herbivores Carnivores
PLANETPALS Earth Science of Food chain Animals Herbivores Carnivores http://icio.us/XmyrCG
RT @ddeubel: Motivating video for students. "Steve Nash: You Gotta Practice" #EnglishCentral1 http://bit.ly/mg8cvc
tags: EnglishCentral1
Informal Reading Assessments to start your year.
Informal Reading Assessments to start your year. @FlyontheCWall http://t.co/xMy10Dr
Apps in Education: How to Design a Beautiful iPad Lesson:
RT @Cathy_Blackler: “@dcannell: How to Design a Beautiful iPad Lesson: http://zite.to/lf0fmZ via @zite” @tenaj831 #maety1#appfored
tags: maety1
KB...Konnected - 10 Technology Enhanced Alternatives to Book Reports
10 Technology Enhanced Alternatives to Book Reports http://tumblr.com/xtl3axb16c
Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English
RT @tjacobs17 RT @bhsprincipal: http://www.neok12.com/ looks like a good site for teachers to find videos by subject area #ascdsc11 #tlchat
Free From @ASCD-How to Teach Now: Five Keys to Personalized Learning in the Global Classroom: http://bit.ly/jKvB4N