10 Google Forms for the Classroom | edte.ch
Great ideas for using Google Forms in the classroom
Bob's Place of Educational Links...Elementary Language Arts Lesson Plans
TONS of great literacy ideas!
Symbaloo | Access your bookmarks anywhere
Great tool to organize your favorite spots on the web. Something to look at for the kids to use!
Book Trailers for Readers - home
Great site of student made book trailers.
Great collection of web 2.0 tools
Great interactives by grade and subject!
Language Arts Activities | Interactive Whiteboard Resources | Scholastic.com
smartboard/interactive activities by subject @scholastic
Site that explains various ways to solve fraction, decimal, percent problems.
Free animations for websites
Publication Network - Youblisher.com - turn pages / flippable pdfs - pdf's zum umblättern
Turn pdf's into a flipable booklet
Great little booklet describing Google apps and how to use in the classroom. Also gives great tips, ideas, and examples for using each one.
Tinychat - Free online video chat rooms
Tool for private chat room for backchanneling. Once closed, all content is gone.
Backchanneling « Mrs. Durnin's Edublog
Great post on a teacher using back channel activities through TodaysMeet.
Philly Teacher: The Grading and Assessment Conundrum
Great post on the grading issue with lots of good resources and ideas.
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Hi, Kim.
Have you looked at Xmarks as a bookmark organizing tool? It doesn't have the social component piece of del.ici.ous, but it does allow syncing and worldwide access to your book marks on all of the major browsers. Check it out!
Thanks for the suggestion. I haven't looked at Xmarks, but I'll be checking it out now.