Took this picture yesterday in our livingroom. My 15 year old son who is either on the baseball field or watching the pros play baseball, would love to become a sports writer. He had started a Braves baseball blog using my laptop (which serves as our home computer) up until his 15th birthday. My oldest son, AJ, got a great little (old!) S-10 pickup for his 15th birthday two years ago, but we decided to get Carlos a netbook when he turned 15. Had to force him to take driver's ed, so we knew a new car/truck was not top priority for him. However, the laptop has been a perfect investment. He started a new blog and has been avidly posting! Check out his blog if you have a minute (especially if you're a Braves fan)! I know he'd enjoy reading any comments you'd like to leave!
Carlos getting updates from ESPN on his cell phone and blogging!