Stress? Nah...

Just received an email containing 2 syllabi from my Graduate Professor, Dr. Charles Matthews, at the University of Missouri - St. Louis.  I am part of a new cohort in our county who will be taking part in a wonderful distance ed Master's program from UMSL.  We will be participating through videoconferencing each week for the next few months.  Very exciting, but also very scary.  With the exception of attaining my National Boards, I have not taken any seriously studious classes since undergrad at Lyndon State College back in my home state of Vermont (almost 17 years ago!).  Just looking at the pace and amount of work involved in the coming classes stops my heart for a moment.

In addition, I'm finishing up my Kenan Fellowship project (yes, Dr. Annetta it will be completed come hell or high water!), a multi-user, online simulation science game using the terrific ActiveWorlds platform.  I also am working on some curriculum for a project through LearnNC and the Green and Growing Project (due in March).

However, as I look at the stacks of notebooks I have compiled to keep myself organized over the next few months, I can't help but think of the wonderful work going on in the classrooms around me.  Podcasts of book reviews being recorded, movies being made, blogs being written, voice-enhanced powerpoint shows being constructed - and that is just to name a few of the things our KIDS are doing!  Thank goodness for the inspirational work of our KIDS (and their hardworking teachers striving to bring out the best)!

1 Response
  1. [...] Isn’t it funny how just at the point when you are feeling the most overwhelmed in life, God sends you a message?  That message came for me tonight (only five hours after my stressed out post for the day!) when I read today’s blog post from Vicki Davis (Cool Cat Teacher).  I think I must’ve said AMEN aloud about twenty times!  Make sure you read “Sometimes You Add To Your Life By Subtraction”.  Here’s to enjoying one ripple at a time! [...]